☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 324

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2011, 3 histories    bottom

  324.1136.  Record-keeping requirements — investigatory powers of the board. — 1.  Each licensee operating under the provisions of sections 324.1100 to 324.1148 shall be required to keep a complete record of the business transactions of such investigator or investigator agency for a period of seven years.  Upon the service of a court order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction or upon the service of a subpoena issued by the board that is based on a complaint supported by oath or affirmation, which particularly describes the records and reports, any licensee who is the owner, partner, director, corporate officer, or custodian of business records shall provide an opportunity for the inspection of the same and to inspect reports made.  Any information obtained by the board shall be kept confidential, except as may be necessary to commence and prosecute any legal proceedings.  The board shall not personally enter a licensee's place of business to inspect records, but shall utilize an employee of the division of professional registration to act as a gatherer of information and facts to present to the board regarding any complaint or inspection under investigation.

  2.  For the purpose of enforcing the provisions of sections 324.1100 to 324.1148, and in making investigations relating to any violation thereof, the board shall have the power to subpoena and bring before the board any person in this state and require the production of any books, records, or papers which the board deems relevant to the inquiry.  The board also may administer an oath to and take the testimony of any person, or cause such person's deposition to be taken, except that any applicant or licensee or officer, director, partner, or associate thereof shall not be entitled to any fees or mileage.  A subpoena issued under this section shall be governed by the Missouri rules of civil procedure and shall comply with any confidentiality standards or legal limitations imposed by privacy or open records acts, fair credit reporting acts, polygraph acts, driver privacy protection acts, judicially recognized privileged communications, and the bill of rights of both the United States and Missouri Constitutions.  Any person duly subpoenaed who fails to obey such subpoena without reasonable cause, or without such cause refuses to be examined or to answer any legal or pertinent question as to the character or qualification of such applicant or licensee or such applicant's alleged unlawful or deceptive practices or methods, shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor.  The testimony of witnesses in any investigative proceeding shall be under oath.

  3.  Any licensee who is required by fully executed written contract or court order to destroy, seal, or return to a party to a lawsuit, or to the court, records related to work performed under that contract or court order shall maintain in his or her files a fully executed copy of the contract or court order requiring destruction, sealing, or return of the records.  Maintenance of the contract or court order shall fulfill the requirements of this section.


(L. 2007 H.B. 780 merged with S.B. 308, A.L. 2010 H.B. 2226, et al., A.L. 2011 H.B. 464)

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