352.200. May oppose dissolution of association. — 1. Upon the filing of such petition an order shall be made by the court, if filed in term time, or by the clerk, if filed in vacation, requiring all persons interested in such association to show cause, if any they have, why such association should not be dissolved on or before a day or term, of said court therein named.
2. The officers of said association, the various members, or any other person interested may enter their voluntary appearance in said court at the time of filing such petition, and all members who reside in the county where said petition has been filed and all creditors and persons having unexecuted contracts with said association, and who reside in said county who do not enter their voluntary appearance in said court shall be notified by summons, under the hand and seal of the clerk of the court, reciting the filing of said petition, its general purpose and nature, and citing them to appear in said court on a day to be named in said writ to show cause, if any they have, against such dissolution, such day being fixed not less than twenty-one days nor more than thirty days after the filing of said petition.
3. In addition to said summons notice of a general nature and cause of said application shall be given to all other members, creditors, and persons having unexecuted contracts with said association, by publication in some newspaper of general circulation in said county, for at least five consecutive insertions in a daily newspaper, or at least one insertion each week for three weeks consecutively in a weekly newspaper, and proof of such service and publication shall be made before any order is made upon such petition.
4. The court shall have the power to continue such application for service upon all interested parties from time to time, to issue new writs if necessary, according to the practice therein.
(RSMo 1939 § 5463)
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1939 ----
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