☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 473

< > Effective - 01 Jan 1981, see footnote    bottom

  473.540.  Settlements required, when. — 1.  Every personal representative shall file in the court a statement of his accounts with proper vouchers, for settlement at the following times, unless the court otherwise orders:

  (1)  Annually on the anniversary date of the date of letters until the administration is completed;

  (2)  At any other time when directed by the court either on its own motion or on application of any interested person.

  2.  Every personal representative shall file final settlement of his estate at the following times:

  (1)  On the first court day after the expiration of six months and ten days after the date of the first publication of notice of letters granted or as soon thereafter as administration is completed;

  (2)  Within ten days after revocation of his letters unless the court otherwise orders;

  (3)  Upon his application to resign and before his resignation is accepted.

  3.  A personal representative may in case of continuance of the final settlement pursuant to order of the court, file the final settlement at any time before the date to which it was continued.  The court may, in its discretion, for good cause shown, extend the time for filing any intermediate or final settlement, or permit the late filing thereof, without penalty.


(RSMo 1939 § 213, A.L. 1955 p. 385 § 193, A.L. 1980 S.B. 637)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 214; 1919 § 213; 1909 § 222

Effective 1-01-81


Partition sale proceeds, distribution before settlement prohibited, 528.140

---- end of effective  01 Jan 1981 ----

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