☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 50

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1995    bottom

  50.642.  Presiding judge of circuit court to meet with county budget officer and county commission to discuss budget before filing estimate. — 1.  The presiding judge of each circuit court, or the presiding judge's designee, shall, not later than fifteen days prior to filing the budget estimates with the county budget officer as required by section 50.640, meet with the county commission and budget officer of each county or their respective designees, and confer and discuss with them the circuit court's estimates of its requirements for expenditures and its estimates of its revenues for the next budget year.  After the presiding judge and county commissions or their representatives have met, conferred and discussed the estimates, the estimates of the circuit court shall be transmitted to the budget officer of each county in the same manner as provided by section 50.640.

  2.  In all respects other than as provided in subsection 1 of this section, the budget of the circuit court shall follow the same course and be subject to the same rights, obligations and processes as otherwise provided by law.


(L. 1995 H.B. 274 & 268 merged with S.B. 352)


Circuit clerk and circuit court judge, St. Louis City, budget estimate procedure, 478.428

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1995 ----

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