☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 620

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2014, 2 histories    bottom

  620.1580.  Advisory committee for electronic commerce established, members, terms, meetings. — 1.  There is hereby established within the department of economic development the "Advisory Committee for Electronic Commerce".  The purpose of the committee shall be to advise the various agencies of the state of Missouri on issues related to electronic commerce.

  2.  The committee shall be composed of thirteen members, who shall be appointed by the director of the department of economic development, as follows:

  (1)  One member shall be the director of the department of economic development;

  (2)  One member shall be an employee of the department of revenue;

  (3)  One member shall be an employee of the department of labor and industrial relations;

  (4)  One member shall be the secretary of state;

  (5)  One member shall be the chief information officer for the information technology services division;

  (6)  Seven members shall be from the business community, with at least one such member being from an organization representative of industry, and with at least one such member being from an organization representative of independent businesses, and with at least one such member being from an organization representative of retail business, and with at least one such member being from an organization representative of local or regional commerce; and

  (7)  One member shall be from the public at large.

  3.  The members of the committee shall serve for terms of two years duration, and may be reappointed at the discretion of the director of the department of economic development.  Members of the committee shall not be compensated for their services, but shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their service on the committee.

  4.  The director of the department of economic development shall serve as chair of the committee and shall designate an employee or employees of the department of economic development to staff the committee, or to chair the committee in the director's absence.

  5.  The committee shall meet at such places and times as are designated by the director of the department of economic development, but shall not meet less than twice per calendar year.


(L. 2001 H.B. 453, A.L. 2014 H.B. 1299 Revision)

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