☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 620

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1967    bottom

  620.465.  Powers of division. — The division of tourism shall have the following powers*:

  (1)  To formulate a program for the promotion of tourism in Missouri, including the promotion of our state parks, fishing and hunting areas, historical shrines, vacation regions and areas of historic or scenic interest;

  (2)  To cooperate with civic groups and local, state and federal departments and agencies, and agencies and departments of other states in encouraging educational tourism and developing programs therefor;

  (3)  To publish tourist promotional material such as brochures and booklets;

  (4)  To promote tourism in Missouri by articles and advertisements in magazines, newspapers, radio, television and travel publications and by establishing promotional exhibitions at travel shows and similar exhibitions;

  (5)  To establish and maintain travel offices at major points of entry to the state;

  (6)  To accept any grant of funds made to it for the promotion of tourism in Missouri;

  (7)  To do such other acts as shall, in the judgment of the division, be necessary and proper in carrying out the purposes of sections 620.450 to 620.465.


(L. 1967 p. 368 § 4)

Transferred 1986; formerly 258.330

*Section 620.010 transferred all powers, duties and functions vested in the tourism commission to the tourism division, by type III transfer, department of economic development.

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1967 ----

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