Chapter 67 Political Subdivisions, Miscellaneous Powers ✹⚿MISCELLANEOUS POWERS | |||
67.010 | Political subdivisions to prepare annual budget — contents — expenditures not to exceed revenues. (8/28/1961) |
67.020 | Budget officer, designation, duties — submission of budget. (8/28/1961) |
67.030 | Governing body may revise budget, limits — approval — budget decrease for law enforcement, injunctive relief, when. (8/28/2021) |
67.040 | Increase of expenditure over budgeted amount to be made only on formal resolution. (8/28/1961) |
67.042 | License or fee adjustment not deemed "increase", as used in Missouri Constitution, Article X, Section 22, when — records required. (8/28/1987) |
67.048 | Annual report required, when. (8/28/2007) |
67.050 | Transfer of funds from one agency to another. (8/28/1961) |
67.055 | Moneys collected for additional costs and expenses, review by county budget officer. (8/28/2005) |
67.060 | Orders increasing total budget kept on file three years — attestation. (8/28/1961) |
67.070 | Budget for preceding year to govern, when. (8/28/1961) |
67.080 | Expenditures prohibited unless authorized under this chapter. (8/28/1961) |
67.085 | Investment of certain public funds, conditions. (8/28/2018) |
67.090 | State officials to prepare forms for budgets, orders, resolutions and ordinances — assistance. (8/28/1961) |
67.100 | Applicability of law. (8/28/1961) |
67.110 | Fixing ad valorem property tax rates, procedure — failure to establish, effect — new or increased taxes approved after September 1 not to be included in that year's tax levy, exception. (8/28/2010) |
67.130 | Training commission for county officials established — purposes — members — appointment — duties. (8/28/1986) |
67.136 | Municipal courts, utilization of collection agencies permitted, when. (8/28/2012) |
67.138 | Liability of political subdivisions for certain frivolous actions. (8/28/1999) |
67.140 | Ownership of domestic animals, no laws or regulations to prohibit. (8/28/2009) |
67.145 | First responders, political activity while off duty and not in uniform, political subdivisions not to prohibit — first responder defined. (8/28/2023) |
67.150 | Insurance for elected officials and employees, political subdivision may contribute — contracting procedure. (8/28/1993) |
67.200 | Political subdivisions or corporations having over $100,000,000 assessed valuation may pension officers and employees — exceptions. (8/28/1988) |
67.210 | Political subdivisions may provide health insurance benefits when, to whom. (8/28/2003) |
67.212 | Failure of board members to attend meetings, commission's power to replace. (8/28/1998) |
67.250 | Cities and counties may grant funds to fire protection and library districts, when. (8/28/1975) |
67.265 | Public health order for threat to public health by contagious disease, requirements, procedure. (6/15/2021) |
67.275 | Electrical contractor licenses issued by political subdivisions valid in all political subdivisions. (8/28/2004) |
67.280 | Communities may incorporate by reference certain technical codes — penalty provisions, requirements — definitions. (8/28/2009) |
67.281 | Installation of fire sprinklers to be offered to purchaser by builder of certain dwellings — purchaser may decline. (8/28/2016) |
67.282 | Public street used for construction traffic not to be limited by ordinances, when (certain counties). (8/28/1994) |
67.287 | Minimum standards for municipalities in St. Louis County — definitions — failure to meet minimum standards, remedy, ballot language. (8/28/2016) |
67.288 | Electric vehicle charging stations — political subdivision restrictions. (8/28/2024) |
67.300 | Counties and cities, towns and villages authorized to operate ambulance service — rates may be set — insurance may be purchased. (8/28/1967) |
67.301 | Battery-charged fence — no permit required in addition to alarm system permit — limitation on installation or operational requirements — definitions — notice of installation to political subdivision. (8/28/2021) |
67.303 | Economic growth, promotion and development in county — powers of county commission. (8/28/1988) |
67.304 | Charitable contributions, organizations may solicit in roadway, when, procedure. (8/28/2007) |
67.305 | Counties or cities not to arrest or punish for public intoxication. (8/28/1978) |
67.306 | Admission tickets, sale or resale of, no restrictions on price or fees, exceptions. (11/28/2007) |
67.307 | Sanctuary policies for municipalities prohibited — definitions — duty of law enforcement to cooperate in immigration enforcement. (1/1/2009) |
67.308 | COVID-19 vaccinations, political subdivisions prohibiting from requiring documentation for use of transportation systems and public accommodations. (8/28/2021) |
67.309 | Utility services, political subdivisions barred from prohibiting based on type or source of energy. (8/28/2021) |
67.310 | Exceptions to freedom from arrest or punishment involving drunkenness or being under influence of alcohol. (8/28/1978) |
67.315 | Intoxicated persons, how handled — officer granted immunity from legal action, when. (8/28/1978) |
67.316 | Public food service establishments, pets permitted, when. (8/28/2007) |
67.317 | Ordinances restricting owner of real property displaying signs for sale or lease, prohibited — exception. (8/28/1984) |
67.318 | Street addresses to be posted conspicuously to aid emergency location, ordinances by cities or counties — fire department to enforce. (8/28/1990) |
67.319 | Water service lines, repair programs, municipalities and certain districts — fee imposed — ballot language — administration — fee added to general tax levy bill, when. (8/28/2011) |
MUNICIPAL COURT PLAN (Jefferson and Franklin Counties) | |||
67.320 | County orders, violations may be brought in circuit court, when — county municipal court to be approved, appointment of judges, procedures (Jefferson and Franklin counties). (8/28/2014) |
67.329 | Local ordinances regulating amateur radio antennas authorized, limitations, requirements — historic preservation considerations allowed. (8/28/2004) |
67.330 | Short title. (8/28/1969) |
67.340 | Assistance to political subdivisions encouraged. (8/28/1969) |
67.350 | Use of state data processing equipment by political subdivisions. (8/28/1969) |
67.360 | Political subdivisions, use of state procurement service authorized. (8/28/1969) |
67.370 | State agencies may contract with political subdivisions. (8/28/1969) |
67.380 | Charges limited to cost of service. (8/28/1969) |
67.390 | Contracts to be filed with secretary of state. (8/28/1969) |
67.391 | Tax may be imposed by certain counties — election — ballot form — tax rate — effective, when, termination, when. (8/28/1989) |
67.392 | Sales tax may be imposed by certain counties — rate of tax — election ballot form — deposit in special trust fund, purpose — terminates, when (Clay County). (8/28/1994) |
67.395 | Deposit — trust fund established — distribution to counties, when — refunds authorized — tax abolished, effect. (8/28/1991) |
67.398 | Debris on property, ordinance may require abatement — abatement for vacant building in Kansas City — notice to owner — effect of failure to remove nuisance, penalties. (8/28/2021) |
67.399 | Registration fee for violations of housing codes — municipalities and St. Louis County — investigation — appeal — lien on property, when. (8/28/2003) |
67.400 | Ordinance may require vacation, demolition or repair of structures, when. (8/28/1995) |
67.402 | Abatement of nuisance in certain counties (Andrew, Boone, Buchanan, Cass, Cole, Dade, Jasper, Jefferson, Livingston, Newton, St. Francois, Taney) — ordinance requirements. (8/28/2017) |
67.410 | Provisions required in ordinance. (8/28/2000) |
67.412 | Fire and casualty insurance companies and director of the department of commerce and insurance, notification and duties. (8/28/1984) |
67.414 | Payment of claim without deduction on certification that insured will make premises safe. (8/28/1984) |
67.420 | Ordinance may provide penalties for noncompliance or delay. (8/28/1969) |
67.430 | Appeal must be authorized. (8/28/1992) |
67.440 | Emergency powers may be authorized. (8/28/1969) |
67.450 | Liability of subdivision for wrongful action. (8/28/1969) |
67.451 | Ordinance enforcement, unrecovered costs included in certain fees, or real estate tax bills. (8/28/2016) |
67.453 | Citation of law — definitions. (8/28/2020) |
67.455 | Neighborhood improvements — bonds, special assessments. (8/28/1995) |
67.456 | Neighborhood improvement districts — duration of bond maturity — maintenance provisions required, when — assessed costs on divided property recalculated, how, restrictions. (8/28/2004) |
67.457 | Establishment of neighborhood improvement districts — procedure — notice of elections, contents — alternatives, petition, contents — maintenance costs, assessment — recording requirements — submissions to state auditor and department of revenue. (8/28/2022) |
67.457 | Establishment of neighborhood improvement districts — procedure — notice of elections, contents — alternatives, petition, contents — maintenance costs, assessment — recording requirements. (8/28/2013) |
67.458 | Adjoining counties, contract to improve roads, district may be formed — unanimous decision required — fund, expenditures, appraisal. (8/28/1995) |
67.459 | Apportionment of improvement costs — governing body to establish classifications. (8/28/2005) |
67.461 | Assessments, plans, specifications — public filing — duties of clerk — notice. (8/28/2022) |
67.461 | Assessments, plans, specifications — public filing — duties of clerk — notice. (8/28/1995) |
67.463 | Public hearing, procedure — apportionment of costs — special assessments, notice — payment and collection of assessments. (8/28/2013) |
67.465 | Period of limitation, lawsuits. (4/3/1991) |
67.467 | Supplemental assessments authorized, when — reassessments. (4/3/1991) |
67.469 | Assessment treated as tax lien, payable upon foreclosure. (8/28/2013) |
67.471 | Temporary notes, general obligation bonds. (4/3/1991) |
67.473 | Funds to be created — use of funds — use of balance upon completion of improvements. (4/3/1991) |
67.475 | Maximum bond indebtedness — advisory committee in certain cities. (4/3/1991) |
67.490 | Building permit inspections waived if licensed engineer inspects footing, foundation, walls, and framing, when, inspection forms. (8/28/2019) |
67.494 | Physical security measure on private property, state preemption — exclusions — access to property for law enforcement and first responders. (8/28/2021) |
Motor vehicles, trailers, boats and outboard motors sales deemed consummated at address of owner, collection by the department of revenue, 144.069. |
67.500 | Short title — definitions. (8/28/1979) |
67.505 | Election procedure — sales tax imposed, property taxes to be reduced — rate of tax — no zoological taxes permitted. (8/28/2017) |
67.506 | Computation of county sales tax levy. (8/28/2004) |
67.525 | Deposit — distribution to county, when — refunds authorized — tax abolished, effect. (8/28/1991) |
67.540 | Repeal or amendment of sales tax — procedure. (8/28/1979) |
67.545 | Law not applicable to certain cities and counties. (8/28/1979) |
67.547 | Sales tax imposed in counties — election procedure — rate of tax — St. Louis County and New Madrid County, distribution of revenue, limitation on use — zoological taxes, limitations — all-county trust fund for overpayment refunds and bad check redemption — abolishing tax, procedure. (8/28/2017) |
67.548 | County commission of certain counties approving sales tax, authorized actions — share to other political subdivisions, how distributed (Clay and Platte counties). (8/28/2012) |
Emergency central dispatching service alternate funding by county sales tax, 190.335 to 190.337 |
67.550 | Sales tax imposed in certain first class counties — rate of tax — election procedure — revenue to be used to build and maintain certain facilities — effective when — terminates when (St. Charles and Jefferson counties). (8/28/1991) |
67.570 | Deposit — distribution to counties, when — refunds authorized — tax abolished, effect (St. Charles County). (8/28/1991) |
67.571 | Museums and festivals, sales tax authorized (Buchanan County). (8/28/2001) |
67.572 | Repeal of sales tax, procedure. (8/28/2001) |
67.573 | Sales tax to be an additional tax to taxes in chapter 144 — computation of tax. (8/28/2001) |
67.574 | Director of revenue to be responsible for administration and operation of the tax. (8/28/2001) |
67.576 | Collection of the tax requirements — applicable penalties. (8/28/2001) |
67.577 | Delinquency in payment, limitation for bringing suit. (8/28/2001) |
67.578 | Certain counties (Andrew) may impose a sales tax for museum purposes, amount — ballot, effective date — collection of tax — applicable provisions and exemptions — museum board, members, duties — repeal of tax, effective date. (8/28/2004) |
67.581 | St. Louis County, additional sales tax — rate of tax — election procedure — distribution of revenue, alternative plans — method to change distribution of funds — collection procedure — limitation on use of funds — trust fund for overpayment refunds or redeeming bad checks — abolishing tax, procedure. (8/28/1991) |
67.582 | Law enforcement sales tax — rate of tax — election procedure — special trust fund established — duties of director of revenue — refunds, procedure (all counties except certain first class charter counties). (8/28/2000) |
67.583 | County employee benefit sales tax — rate of tax — election procedure — administration of tax — refunds (St. Francois County). (8/28/1991) |
67.584 | Sales tax authorized, Jefferson County — proceeds to be used for county prosecutor's office and law enforcement services — ballot language. (7/10/2003) |
67.585 | Sales tax, recreational and community center district — ballot language — fund created, use of moneys — repeal or termination of tax, effect of — board established. (Clay County) (8/28/2014) |
67.587 | Sales tax for transportation infrastructure — ballot language — fund created, use of moneys — repeal of tax, ballot language. (New Madrid County) (8/28/2014) |
67.590 | Sales tax imposition by certain second class counties — rate of tax — election procedure — revenue for construction of law enforcement facilities and communication centers — effective when — terminates when (Buchanan County). (8/28/1991) |
67.594 | Deposit — distribution to counties, when — refunds authorized — tax abolished, effect (Buchanan County). (8/28/1991) |
67.601 | Regional convention and visitors commission, appointment — terms, vacancies — limitation on powers of members, when. (8/28/1991) |
67.604 | Definitions. (8/28/1991) |
67.607 | Powers of commission. (8/28/1991) |
67.611 | Decisions by majority, exceptions. (5/15/1984) |
67.614 | Penalties may be imposed by ordinances for injuries to commission's property. (5/15/1984) |
67.617 | Annual report — annual audit by certified public accountant, compensation — certain exemptions from Sunshine Law. (7/14/2015) |
67.619 | Tax on hotels, motels, sleeping rooms — rate — submitted to voters, when — procedure — ballot form — effective when — adoption to exempt from certain other taxes. (8/28/1988) |
67.621 | Revenues, distribution. (5/15/1984) |
67.623 | Collection and administration of tax, options. (5/15/1984) |
67.624 | Collection of tax, duties — unlawful advertisement — sale of business, duties — civil action allowed, when. (8/28/1988) |
67.626 | Lien allowed, when, procedure — release of, when — recorder's fee, amount — violations, penalty. (8/28/1988) |
67.627 | Regional cultural and performing arts district created — purpose. (St. Louis, city and county). (5/15/1984) |
67.628 | Definitions. (5/15/1984) |
67.629 | Commission appointment, terms — qualifications — vacancies — officers' powers — cultural institutions defined. (5/15/1984) |
67.631 | Penalties may be imposed by ordinances for injuries — district's property. (5/15/1984) |
67.633 | Staff and administration expenses, limitation — certain institutions not to receive funds. (5/15/1984) |
67.636 | Reports by commission, when — audit by certified public accountant, when, compensation. (5/15/1984) |
67.638 | Definitions. (8/28/1989) |
67.639 | Convention and sports complex fund, certain cities and counties may establish, purpose. (8/28/1989) |
67.641 | General assembly may make appropriations, conditions, limitations — matching funds required locally. (8/28/2019) |
67.643 | Law not to impair existing rights of political subdivisions. (8/28/1989) |
67.645 | Report to general assembly, when — biennial audit, required. (8/28/1989) |
67.650 | Regional convention and sports complex authority established. (8/28/1988) |
67.651 | Definitions. (8/28/1991) |
67.652 | Commissioners to be appointed — qualifications — terms — vacancies — officer's and employee's compensation — expenses — disqualified from voting on issue, when. (8/28/1989) |
67.653 | Commission's powers and duties — bond issues authorized — rate — sales — refunding — exemption from income tax. (8/28/1989) |
67.654 | Investment in bond issues, by whom, authority. (8/28/1988) |
67.655 | Tax exemption for property and income of authority. (8/28/1988) |
67.656 | Regional convention and sports complex fund established — lapse to general revenue prohibited — funding, where. (8/28/1989) |
67.657 | Powers of authority, city or county — tax on sales or charges for hotels, voter approval, rate — ballot form — collection of tax — uses of revenue, excess revenue — alternative tax in lieu of license fee, ballot form, collection of tax — uses of revenue. (8/28/1991) |
67.658 | Report by authority, contents, when — audit of accounts by independent accountants, when. (8/28/1988) |
67.660 | Greater St. Louis sports authority created — commissioners' qualifications — chairman, how appointed — actions binding when — terms — vacancies. (12/23/1997) |
67.661 | Authorities' duties — annual report due when — no public revenue authorized. (12/23/1997) |
67.662 | Limitations on applicability (8/28/2010) |
67.663 | Tourism taxes, collection, distribution and administration. (9/15/1997) |
67.664 | Limitations on imposition of tourism taxes. (9/15/1997) |
67.665 | Tourism tax may be levied by certain lakefront counties, rate — tourism fund created — use of revenues — tourism committee, appointment, terms, duties — transient guest defined — refunds and penalties. (5/20/1982) |
67.667 | Adoption of tourism tax, procedure — ballot form. (5/20/1982) |
RENTAL VEHICLE FEE (Platte County) | |||
67.669 | Additional fee for short-term rentals of motor vehicles, check-off box provided (Platte County). (8/28/2001) |
Tourism sales taxes, collection, distribution, administration, 67.663; limitations on imposition, 67.664 |
67.671 | Tourism sales tax may be imposed by certain counties — election — ballot form — tax rate — effective when. (7/7/1997) |
67.672 | Retailer in area to add tax to purchase price — collection to be based on bracket system. (8/28/1988) |
67.673 | Repeal of tax, procedure, ballot form — effective when. (8/28/1985) |
67.674 | Additional tax imposed on goods subject to tourism sales tax, computation — report to county collector or to director of revenue, when. (3/10/1993) |
67.676 | Collection of tourism tax, duties of county collector or director of revenue, when. (3/10/1993) |
67.678 | Collection provisions — exemptions — discounts — penalties — sale deemed consummated, where. (8/28/1985) |
67.680 | Cost of collection — fund established — county treasurer's duties — bonding requirements — annual audit — abolishing tax, effect on fund. (8/28/1985) |
67.681 | Delinquencies — limitation for bringing suit — prosecutor may bring action. (8/28/1985) |
67.683 | Tourism board, appointment — qualifications — term — duties — staff authorized. (8/28/1985) |
67.685 | Counties may cooperate — percentage of total collection — effect on additional board member. (8/28/1985) |
67.700 | Sales tax for capital improvements may be imposed in certain counties, procedure — use of revenue — tax effective when — brackets to be established — rate of tax — sales tax revenue collected, defined. (8/28/2003) |
67.701 | Submission of ballot — limitations on use of revenue (St. Louis County). (8/28/1991) |
67.712 | Deposit — distribution to county, when — refunds authorized — tax repealed, effect. (8/28/1991) |
67.713 | County-municipal storm water and public works trust fund created — tax revenue, how distributed (St. Louis County). (8/28/1991) |
67.721 | Repeal or amendment of sales tax, procedure. (8/28/1991) |
67.724 | Definition of county. (8/28/1987) |
67.727 | Tax may be imposed in addition to other sales taxes — counties may contract with certain political subdivisions to handle projects. (8/28/1983) |
67.729 | Sales tax for storm water control and public works may be imposed, how — collection and distribution of revenues — abolition of tax, procedure. (8/28/1991) |
67.730 | Capital improvements sales tax — bonds — election procedure — ballot form. (8/28/1991) |
67.731 | Bonds, advertisement and sale, limitations on use of proceeds, retirement, interest rate — not an indebtedness of the county — bonds shall be negotiable instruments. (8/28/1987) |
67.732 | Imposition of tax, when — interest and sinking fund, limitations on use. (8/28/1991) |
67.733 | Bonds, refunding. (8/28/1987) |
67.734 | Rate of tax. (8/28/1991) |
67.737 | Applicable provisions, administration. (8/28/1991) |
67.738 | Trust fund, distribution of proceeds — additional duties of director of revenue — refunds authorized. (8/28/1991) |
67.739 | Voter approval required for removal or amendment — contracts with other political subdivisions authorized. (8/28/1991) |
RECREATION SALES TAX (Madison County) | |||
67.745 | Recreation sales tax authorized — ballot language — rate, use of moneys — expiration date. (8/28/2005) |
67.750 | Definitions. (8/28/2012) |
67.755 | Subdivision may establish recreational system, restriction — tax levy — limits — excess property may be sold, exception. (8/28/1993) |
67.760 | Joint operation of recreation system. (8/28/1961) |
67.765 | Administration by existing agency or by board or commission — organization of board. (8/28/1961) |
67.770 | Subdivision may accept gifts for recreational purposes. (8/28/1961) |
67.775 | Use of facilities of other governmental agencies, when. (8/28/1961) |
67.780 | Effect on other powers of subdivision. (8/28/1961) |
67.781 | County recreational system — citation of law — definitions. (8/28/1990) |
67.782 | Recreation sales tax — rate of tax — election procedure — duties of director of revenue — refunds authorized — expires, when (Bollinger and Cape Girardeau counties). (8/28/1991) |
67.783 | Recreational lake authority — purpose and powers — exemption — immunity. (8/28/1990) |
67.785 | Lake authority, members — appointment — terms — successors — qualifications — election. (8/28/1990) |
67.787 | Lake authority — initial meeting — officers — duties — bond, amount — restrictions. (8/28/1990) |
67.788 | Lake authority — powers — funds — condemnation — security force — zoning. (8/28/1990) |
67.789 | Lake authority — revenue bonds, form, denominations, terms — options — refunds — negotiability — security — not liability of state — not personal liability. (8/28/1990) |
67.790 | Lake authority — tax increment financing — approval, by whom. (8/28/1990) |
67.792 | Regional recreation district may be created, territory that may be included — ineligible areas, exception — powers of district — disincorporation in Clay County, procedure. (8/28/2005) |
67.793 | Petition to create a regional recreational district — filed where — content — hearing. (8/28/2004) |
67.794 | Hearing on petition — notice by publication, content — costs how paid — two petitions filed covering in part same territory, procedure. (8/28/1999) |
67.795 | Submission of question, formation or expansion of a regional recreation district, when. (8/28/1999) |
67.796 | Ballot form, content. (8/28/1999) |
67.797 | Board of directors appointed for district or elected in certain districts (Clay County), qualifications — terms — officers — powers and duties — money to be deposited in treasury of county containing largest portion of district. (8/28/2007) |
67.798 | Bonds — issuance, interest, payments — income tax exemption. (8/28/1999) |
67.799 | Regional recreational district may levy property or sales tax, purpose — rate of tax — election, ballot form — tax, how collected — qualified voters defined. (8/28/2004) |
67.800 | Notice to nonresident property owners, when. (8/28/1969) |
67.810 | Owner to file affidavit of request, contents, fee. (8/28/1969) |
67.820 | Notice, how sent, by whom. (8/28/1969) |
67.830 | Receipt of notice, owner to refile affidavit. (8/28/1969) |
67.840 | Request for notice expires, when, renewed, how. (8/28/1969) |
67.850 | Failure of notice, effect of. (8/28/1969) |
67.860 | Nonresident property owner defined. (8/28/1969) |
67.870 | Policy statement. (8/28/1971) |
67.875 | Provisions of sections 67.870 to 67.910 applicable to state and certain subdivisions. (8/28/1971) |
67.880 | Who may acquire land and for what purpose. (8/28/1971) |
67.885 | Plan for conservation, hearing and reports required before condemnation authorized. (8/28/1971) |
67.890 | Not-for-profit organizations may acquire land or water rights in same manner, exception. (8/28/1971) |
67.895 | Tax assessments, how affected. (8/28/1971) |
67.900 | Definitions. (8/28/1971) |
67.905 | Authorization to accept funds or grants. (8/28/1971) |
67.910 | Sections 67.870 to 67.910 not to apply to second class counties having more than 100,000 and less than 110,000 inhabitants. (8/28/1971) |
67.950 | Dissolution of certain special purpose districts — procedure for election, form of ballot. (8/28/2015) |
67.955 | Procedure for dissolution — bonded indebtedness, effect of. (8/28/2015) |
67.970 | Definitions. (8/28/1983) |
67.972 | Residential renovation loan commission, procedure to establish — commission membership, terms — expenses. (8/28/1983) |
67.974 | Powers of commission. (8/28/1993) |
67.976 | Residences selected for renovation, location — plans to have hearing before commissions to determine impact. (8/28/1983) |
67.978 | Bonds issues, authorization — forms — sales — rate of interest. (8/28/1983) |
67.981 | Notes authorized — sales — interest rate — to mature when. (8/28/1983) |
67.983 | Issuance of renewal notes and refunding bonds — sales. (8/28/1983) |
67.990 | Senior citizens' services fund tax, election, ballot, levy and collection of, limitation. (8/28/2021) |
67.993 | Fund established, when — board of directors, appointment, members, terms, vacancies, officers — duties — use of fund moneys — powers. (8/28/2021) |
67.995 | Fund abolished, moneys transferred to general revenue — audit of fund, when. (8/28/1989) |
67.997 | Senior services and youth program sales tax — ballot language — trust fund created, use of moneys (Perry County). (8/28/2007) |
Tourism sales taxes, collection, distribution, administration, 67.663; limitations on imposition, 67.664 |
67.1000 | Transient guests to pay tax on sleeping rooms in hotels and motels, purpose to fund convention and visitors bureau, any county and certain cities — limitation on tax, certain cities and counties. (8/28/2011) |
67.1002 | Ballot form — tax to be effective when — collection of tax, options — penalty on unpaid taxes — delinquent when, any county and certain cities. (8/28/2011) |
67.1003 | Transient guest tax on hotels and motels in counties and cities meeting a room requirement or a population requirement, amount, issue submitted to voters, ballot language. (8/28/2011) |
67.1004 | Transient guest tax for certain counties, amount — issue submitted to voters, ballot language (includes Platte County). (7/13/1999) |
67.1006 | Transient guests to pay tax on sleeping rooms in hotels or motels — rate — election, ballot form — purpose, tourism — rate of tax change, procedure (Pettis County). (8/28/2011) |
67.1008 | Tourism commission to be established, appointment, qualifications, terms (Pettis County). (8/28/1991) |
67.1009 | Transient guest tax authorized for certain cities — ballot language (Cities of Edmundson and Woodson Terrace). (8/28/2013) |
67.1010 | Tax revenues to be administered by commission for promotion of tourism, powers and duties (Pettis County). (8/28/2013) |
67.1012 | Collection of tax, options, penalty for delinquency, when (Pettis County). (8/28/1991) |
67.1015 | Transient guests of hotels and motels to pay tax to fund exposition and community center (including city of Marshall). (8/28/2000) |
67.1016 | County transient guest taxes — procedures. (8/28/2007) |
67.1018 | Transient guest tax to pay for law enforcement and promotion of tourism (Carter County). (8/28/2010) |
67.1020 | Disaster relief services, nongovernmental agencies exempt from tax, when. (8/28/2013) |
67.1062 | Definitions. (8/28/2005) |
67.1063 | Governing body of county may establish program of assistance for homeless — financing by additional user fees for recording instruments, voter approval required. (8/28/2000) |
67.1064 | Recorder of deeds to file report — pay over funds to county treasurer for deposit. (5/31/1990) |
67.1065 | Administrative body to be appointed, duties, expenses, limitation. (5/31/1990) |
67.1067 | Agencies applying for funds, information required. (8/28/2005) |
67.1069 | Requirements for agencies to be eligible for funds. (8/28/2005) |
67.1070 | Eligible agencies. (8/28/2005) |
67.1071 | Report to be made by agencies receiving funds, content — program. (8/28/1999) |
67.1150 | County convention and sports facilities authority to be a political subdivision of state (St. Charles County). (9/15/1997) |
67.1153 | Authority to consist of five commissioners, qualifications, appointment, chairman, elected from members, staff — quorum required for action — terms, expenses. (8/28/2021) |
67.1155 | Powers and duties of commissioners. (7/2/1993) |
67.1158 | Tax on transient guests in hotels and motels may be established — rate — purpose and use — ballot form, collection options, delinquency, interest and penalty — audit authorized — suits to enforce. (8/28/2021) |
67.1159 | Lien for unpaid taxes — release of lien, when — fee for recording of lien — notification of sale of property, when — civil action authorized, when. (8/28/2005) |
67.1170 | Lake area business district, authorized, boundaries — resolution, contents — hearing, notice. (9/15/1997) |
67.1175 | Advisory board, established, members — duties, powers. (2/4/1993) |
67.1177 | Hotel and motel tax, authorized, rate — election, ballot, costs — purpose, use of revenues — collection. (9/15/1997) |
67.1180 | Dissolution of district, procedures — trustee, appointment, duties. (2/4/1993) |
67.1181 | Audit required, promotion of tourism moneys. (8/28/2007) |
Tourism sales taxes, collection, distribution, administration, 67.663; limitations on imposition, 67.664 |
67.1185 | Hotel and motel charges, private tourist attraction charges, surcharge on, maximum rate — exemption. (8/28/1994) |
67.1186 | Retailers liable for surcharge, collection and return of surcharges. (8/28/1994) |
67.1187 | Tourism surcharge trust fund, established — use. (8/28/1994) |
67.1188 | Ballot for submission. (8/28/1994) |
67.1189 | Effective date of surcharge. (8/28/1994) |
67.1200 | Definitions. (8/28/1992) |
67.1203 | Political subdivision may adopt and enforce airport hazard area zoning — hazard area may be divided into zones. (8/28/1992) |
67.1205 | Airport compatible land use zoning regulation may be adopted, when — regulation of land adjacent or in vicinity of airport, requirement. (8/28/1992) |
67.1207 | County commission in certain counties submit to voters proposition to adopt township military airport zoning — plan for all areas in airport hazard area. (8/28/1992) |
67.1210 | Airport planning commission created — appointment, qualifications — chairman to be elected by members — terms — removal from office, procedure — vacancies. (8/28/1992) |
67.1212 | Election to establish military airport zoning, ballot form. (8/28/1992) |
67.1214 | Municipality adopting zoning ordinance, procedure — conflict in regulation, more stringent limitation to prevail. (8/28/1992) |
67.1216 | Lights and markers to warn military aircraft, municipality permitted to install, operate and maintain — alteration or interference with use of structures or trees prohibited — preexisting nonconforming structures or trees not to be altered to cause hazards. (8/28/1992) |
67.1218 | Variances to zoning rules by alteration to building or permitting growth of trees, procedure for variance applications to board of adjustment, when — lights and marks to warn aircraft, powers of municipalities. (8/28/1992) |
67.1220 | Board of adjustment, appointment — powers and duties — qualifications — chairman to be elected by members — removal of member from office, procedure — vacancies, terms — procedure to reverse orders. (8/28/1992) |
67.1222 | Administrative agency to administer and enforce but not to be members of board of adjustment — violations of airport zoning, penalties. (8/28/1992) |
67.1224 | Airport zoning regulation not applicable to certain counties. (8/28/1992) |
67.1230 | Countywide agricultural commodity research district, procedure to establish — assessment fee not to exceed twenty-five cents per acre. (8/28/1993) |
67.1233 | Ballot form for submission to affected landowner. (8/28/1993) |
67.1235 | Majority of affected landowners required to form. (8/28/1993) |
67.1237 | District to be incorporated when — meeting to be held within thirty days to elect board of supervisors — notice, publication, content — election of board, procedure, qualifications, terms, expenses, vacancies. (8/28/1993) |
67.1239 | Officers of board of supervisors to be elected at first meeting — amount of fee to be set, collection by county collector. (8/28/1993) |
67.1241 | District to be body politic to sue and be sued — powers to contract — accept gifts and grants. (8/28/1993) |
67.1243 | Fees to be deposited in financial institutions authorized to receive county funds — personnel may be employed by board. (8/28/1993) |
67.1245 | Research on agricultural commodities, planting, production, expansion and development, duties of district. (8/28/1993) |
67.1247 | Contracts and cooperation with other districts, colleges or universities to carry out responsibilities. (8/28/1993) |
67.1249 | Grants may be awarded by board to conduct research. (8/28/1993) |
67.1251 | Joint districts may be formed to be governed by joint boards — contract to specify procedures for election of joint board. (8/28/1993) |
67.1253 | Dissolution procedure for district — ballot form. (8/28/1993) |
67.1260 | Counties may form business associations to provide health care insurance for prisoners in county jails. (8/28/1998) |
67.1263 | License fee for county groups providing health insurance for prisoners — articles and bylaws to be filed, content — registered in-state agent required — license issued, when. (8/28/1998) |
67.1266 | Association may begin business, when — no liability for members of association — renewal license fee, annual report and amendments to articles and bylaws filed when. (8/28/1998) |
67.1269 | Association to formulate safety and health improvement program for the jails — content and procedure. (8/28/1998) |
67.1272 | Director of the department of commerce and insurance, right to examine association and to take over association, when. (8/28/1998) |
67.1275 | Exemption from premium tax for association. (8/28/1998) |
67.1300 | Sales tax authorized certain counties — rate — ballot form — expenditures — local economic development sales tax trust fund created — deposit, records, distribution refunds — abolishing tax — sections 32.085 and 32.087 applicable — economic development, definition. (8/28/2001) |
67.1303 | Sales tax authorized in certain cities and counties (Springfield, Joplin, all cities in Jasper County, Butler County and all cities therein, Buchanan County, and St. Joseph), rate — ballot, effective date — use of revenue, limitations — deposit of funds — economic development tax board required, membership, terms — board duties — annual report — repeal. (8/28/2011) |
67.1305 | Retail sales tax may be imposed in lieu of certain local economic development sales tax — ballot language — collection and distribution of moneys — trust fund and board to be established — repeal of tax, procedure. (8/28/2012) |
67.1350 | Annexation by certain cities to promote economic development (Warrensburg). (8/28/2005) |
67.1352 | Annexation of municipal airports, when (city of Monett). (8/28/2001) |
67.1360 | Transient guests to pay tax for funding the promotion of tourism, certain cities and counties, vote required. (8/28/2019) |
67.1361 | Tax on charges for sleeping rooms for certain counties and cities (Buchanan County and City of St. Joseph). (8/28/2010) |
67.1362 | Ballot form, election procedure — collection and administration of tax — penalties on unpaid taxes. (9/15/1997) |
67.1364 | Tourism commission — members, appointment, qualifications — tax revenue, limitations on use. (8/28/2017) |
67.1366 | Transient guests to pay tax for funding the promotion of tourism, vote required (including city of Independence). (5/6/1999) |
67.1367 | Transient guest tax for promotion of tourism — ballot language. (Perry County) (8/28/2014) |
67.1368 | Tax authorized — ballot language (Douglas and Montgomery counties). (8/28/2013) |
67.1401 | Definitions. (8/28/2021) |
67.1411 | Districts, how established. (8/28/1998) |
67.1421 | Public hearing to establish — petition, requirements — clerk's duties — amended petition — clerk to report — submission to state auditor and department of revenue. (8/28/2022) |
67.1421 | Public hearing to establish — petition, requirements — clerk's duties — amended petition — clerk to report. (8/28/2021) |
67.1422 | Establishment of district subject to vote, ballot language — repeal or amendment of property tax, when. (8/28/2012) |
67.1431 | Public hearing, notice. (8/28/2022) |
67.1431 | Public hearing, notice. (8/28/1998) |
67.1441 | Removal from and addition to district, procedure. (8/28/1998) |
67.1442 | Certain cities, removal of real property from district or change in class designation, purpose, procedure (Springfield). (8/28/2003) |
67.1451 | Board of directors, election, qualifications, appointment, terms, removal, actions. (8/28/2021) |
67.1452 | Election of board of directors, no person to cast more than one ballot. (8/28/2015) |
67.1461 | Powers of district — reimbursement of municipality — limitations — contracts to be competitively bid, when. (8/28/2021) |
67.1471 | Fiscal year — budget — meeting — report — audit. (8/28/2022) |
67.1471 | Fiscal year — budget — meeting — report — audit. (8/28/2021) |
67.1481 | Termination of district, procedure — extension of district prior to termination, procedure. (8/28/2021) |
67.1485 | Merger of districts, when — assessments, effect on. (8/28/2007) |
67.1491 | Obligations of district. (8/28/1998) |
67.1501 | Funding of district. (8/28/2008) |
67.1511 | Fund, how created, use. (8/28/1998) |
67.1521 | Special assessments, petition, funds, how collected — added to annual real estate bill — separate fund required, when. (8/28/2013) |
67.1531 | Real property or business license tax, how imposed, ballot. (8/28/1999) |
67.1541 | Taxes and assessments, how collected, distributed. (8/28/1998) |
67.1545 | Sales and use tax authorized in certain districts — procedure to adopt, ballot language, imposition and collection by retailers — penalties for violations — deposit into trust fund, use — repeal procedure — display of rate by retailer. (8/28/2021) |
67.1551 | Election for real estate tax, procedure, results, reimbursement of costs. (8/28/1998) |
67.1561 | Statute of limitations. (8/28/2012) |
67.1571 | Minimum wage limitation. (8/28/1998) |
67.1600 | Home equity program act — definitions. (8/28/1999) |
67.1603 | Home equity program — creation by petition or ordinance contingent on approval by voters, appointment of commissioners if approved, certain municipalities and counties eligible. (8/28/1999) |
67.1606 | Addition of new areas to existing home equity program, procedure. (8/28/1999) |
67.1609 | Merger of existing home equity programs, procedure — commissioners, merger effect, residence, terms, vacancies. (8/28/1999) |
67.1612 | Powers and duties. (8/28/1999) |
67.1615 | Application for participation in program — eligibility, how determined — certificate of participation issued if eligible. (8/28/1999) |
67.1618 | Member's home value guaranteed, when, procedure. (8/28/1999) |
67.1621 | Member to follow certain procedures in sale of home in order to access program funds. (8/28/1999) |
67.1624 | Payment by program required, when. (8/28/1999) |
67.1627 | Payment program not made until sale closed and title or proprietary interest passed. (8/28/1999) |
67.1630 | Member property acquired by eminent domain, program benefits may be claimed, when. (8/28/1999) |
67.1633 | Member may apply for new appraisal, new guaranteed value and new certificate, when. (8/28/1999) |
67.1636 | Member may appeal guaranteed values or dollar depreciations, how. (8/28/1999) |
67.1639 | Guarantee fund, maintenance mandatory, how funded, how used, audited annually, adjust tax rate to meet liabilities. (8/28/1999) |
67.1642 | Termination of existing program, how. (8/28/1999) |
67.1645 | Program to protect against local adverse conditions only, how determined — suspension of program, when. (8/28/1999) |
67.1648 | Commission may suspend new registration if fund depleted — program debts not to be debts of other political subdivisions or the state. (8/28/1999) |
67.1651 | Indemnification of commissioners, officers or employees of a program, limitations. (8/28/1999) |
67.1654 | Suit may be brought, when, limitations. (8/28/1999) |
67.1657 | Program only proportionally liable when member has separate home equity insurance. (8/28/1999) |
67.1660 | Member may withdraw at any time, right to sell privately not abridged — antidiscrimination policy. (8/28/1999) |
67.1663 | Penalty. (8/28/1999) |
67.1700 | Metropolitan park and recreation district may be created — existing recreation or public park systems already within district, effect, powers. (8/28/1999) |
67.1703 | Metropolitan district to be body corporate and political subdivision. (8/28/1999) |
67.1706 | District to develop, operate and maintain system of interconnecting trails and parks — power to contract with other parks. (8/28/2012) |
67.1709 | Political subdivision's departments in certain counties to operate trails and parks by contract — limitation. (8/28/1999) |
67.1712 | Sales tax may be imposed on retail sales, rate to fund program — additional sales tax, amount, purpose — ordinance to be submitted to voters. (8/28/2012) |
67.1713 | No sales tax on food for counties in metropolitan park and recreation districts, when. (8/28/2001) |
67.1715 | District ballot form, approval of majority required — district established, when. (8/28/2012) |
67.1718 | Single county district, procedure. (8/28/1999) |
67.1721 | District to contain more than one county, procedure — counties wanting to be included in district after it is established, procedure. (8/28/2012) |
67.1724 | Board of directors in one-county district, appointment, qualifications, restrictions in certain counties — removal from office. (8/28/1999) |
67.1727 | Board members not to hold county office, exception — United States citizenship and residence in county of district required — financial interest in district contracts prohibited. (8/28/1999) |
67.1730 | Board member terms — vacancies, how filled, eligible for reappointment. (8/28/1999) |
67.1733 | President and officers of board to be elected at organizational meeting — bylaws to be adopted, content. (8/28/1999) |
67.1736 | Money collected to be kept in separate fund and deposited in county treasury of largest contributing county — board's powers and duties. (8/28/1999) |
67.1739 | Distribution of board members — new county entering district, appointment of board members, when — restrictions — certain years, county executives to determine allocation of board members, arbitration, when. (8/28/1999) |
67.1742 | Powers and duties of the district. (8/28/2012) |
67.1745 | Public highway, street or road extending into trail or park area, board may improve highway or road, procedure, district may agree to pay portion of cost. (8/28/1999) |
67.1748 | Missouri products and supplies to be given preference. (8/28/1999) |
67.1751 | Metropolitan district not to have power of eminent domain. (8/28/1999) |
67.1754 | Sales tax, how allocated — reauthorization of tax, when. (8/28/2012) |
67.1757 | Municipal grant program for certain counties, purpose, members of — grant commission, how determined, qualifications — advisory committee to be established. (8/28/1999) |
67.1760 | Bonds may be issued by metropolitan district — rates, how paid. (8/28/1999) |
67.1763 | Refunding bonds issued by district — how paid — board members who cease to be on board signing bonds or coupons, effect. (8/28/1999) |
67.1766 | Income from bonds exempt from income tax. (8/28/1999) |
67.1769 | Purchases in excess of ten thousand dollars to be made to the lowest and best bid standard. (8/28/1999) |
67.1775 | Authorizes local sales tax in all counties and St. Louis City to provide services for children — establishes fund. (8/28/2005) |
67.1776 | Short title — children's services fund reimbursement. (8/28/2007) |
Transportation network companies (UBER), district laws inapplicable, 387.418; inspection authority by district, 387.440 |
67.1800 | Definitions. (8/28/2004) |
67.1802 | District boundaries. (8/28/2002) |
67.1804 | Regional taxicab commission established, powers. (8/28/2002) |
67.1806 | Membership of commission, appointments. (8/28/2002) |
67.1808 | Powers of the commission. (1/1/2005) |
67.1809 | Licensure, supervision, and regulation of persons who engage in the business of transporting passengers in commerce. (8/28/2017) |
67.1810 | Duties of the commission — expenditures limited to fees collected. (8/28/2002) |
67.1812 | Taxicab code promulgated, procedure. (8/28/2002) |
67.1813 | Special taxicab license plate, application for, fee — revocation, effect of — rulemaking authority. (1/1/2005) |
67.1814 | Airport taxicabs, limitation on regulation by the commission. (8/28/2002) |
67.1816 | City and county ordinances in effect until taxicab code adopted. (8/28/2002) |
67.1818 | Licensure, taxicab code to include administrative procedures. (8/28/2004) |
67.1819 | Criminal background check policy required. (8/28/2017) |
67.1820 | Commission to establish annual budget to enforce taxicab code. (8/28/2002) |
67.1822 | Annual report submitted by commission to CEOs of city and county — CPA appointed by city and county for the commission. (8/28/2002) |
67.1830 | Definitions. (8/28/2018) |
67.1832 | Political subdivisions required to consent to certain activities by public utility right-of-way users — recovery of costs, procedure — permitted ordinance requirements. (8/28/2001) |
67.1834 | Restoration of a public right-of-way after excavation, standards and conditions, completion dates. (8/28/2001) |
67.1836 | Denial of an application for a right-of-way permit, when — revocation of a permit, when — bulk processing of permits allowed, when. (8/28/2014) |
67.1838 | Disputes to be reviewed by governing body of the political subdivision, court action authorized. (8/28/2014) |
67.1840 | Fee imposed to recover management costs, amount — allocation of such fees — uniform application of right-of-way laws required. (8/28/2001) |
67.1842 | Prohibited acts by political subdivisions — no right-of-way permit required for projects commenced prior to August 28, 2001 — no fee required, when. (8/28/2014) |
67.1844 | Compliance with applicable safety and construction codes required — licensed contractors and subcontractors required, when. (8/28/2001) |
67.1846 | Exceptions to applicability of right-of-way laws. (8/28/2020) |
67.1847 | Fiber networks in right-of-way, no fee for use of — exceptions. (8/28/2021) |
67.1848 | Sewer and water lines in public roads, when permitted, limitations and requirements. (8/28/2006) |
67.1850 | Geographical information system may be created, purpose, open records policy, fees for information, licensing, liability. (8/28/2005) |
67.1860 | Title. (7/2/2001) |
67.1862 | Definitions. (7/2/2001) |
67.1864 | District created in certain counties (includes Camden County). (7/2/2001) |
67.1866 | Vote required to create district — petition, contents — hearing on petition, when, notice required. (8/28/2002) |
67.1868 | Opposition to formation of a district, petition filed, procedure. (7/2/2001) |
67.1870 | Costs of filing to be paid by petitioners. (7/2/2001) |
67.1872 | Board of directors, members. (7/2/2001) |
67.1874 | Notice of district organization — election of board members, terms. (7/2/2001) |
67.1876 | Powers of the board, meetings, corporate seal, quorum. (7/2/2001) |
67.1878 | Use of funds, sources of funding. (7/2/2001) |
67.1880 | Property tax imposed, when — ballot language — collection of tax. (7/2/2001) |
67.1882 | Contracting, borrowing and agreement authority of the district. (7/2/2001) |
67.1884 | Limitation on district's contracting authority. (7/2/2001) |
67.1886 | Additional powers of the district. (7/2/2001) |
67.1888 | Insurance obtained by the district, types, conditions. (7/2/2001) |
67.1890 | Change in district boundaries, procedure. (7/2/2001) |
67.1892 | Vote required for change in boundaries, when. (7/2/2001) |
67.1894 | Termination of taxing authority by petition, procedure. (7/2/2001) |
67.1896 | Vote required for termination of taxing authority, when — ballot language. (7/2/2001) |
67.1898 | Dissolution of a district, procedure. (7/2/2001) |
67.1922 | Water quality, infrastructure and tourism, sales taxes authorized for certain counties — ballot language. (8/28/2005) |
67.1925 | Special trust fund created. (8/28/2001) |
67.1928 | Authorized appropriations from special trust fund. (8/28/2001) |
67.1931 | Indebtedness authorized to accomplish purposes of certain taxes. (8/28/2001) |
67.1934 | Repeal of tax, submitted to voters, ballot language. (8/28/2005) |
67.1937 | Safekeeping of county permanent records — accounting records and annual audit. (8/28/2001) |
67.1940 | Donation of property to county. (8/28/2001) |
67.1950 | Definitions. (8/28/2001) |
67.1953 | Tourism community enhancement district authorized for certain counties — boundaries — procedure. (8/28/2001) |
67.1956 | Board of directors, members, terms, duties. (8/28/2011) |
67.1958 | Modification of requirements by vote of the district. (8/28/2002) |
67.1959 | Sales tax imposed, when — submitted to voters, ballot language. (8/28/2005) |
67.1962 | Special trust fund created. (8/28/2001) |
67.1965 | County collector to collect tax at discretion of the board — rules. (8/28/2001) |
67.1968 | Expenditure of sales tax revenue, conditions. (8/28/2005) |
67.1971 | Reduction of liability for entities remitting the sales tax. (8/28/2001) |
67.1974 | Expansion of district boundaries, procedure. (8/28/2001) |
67.1977 | Dissolution and repeal of the tax, procedure. (8/28/2001) |
67.1978 | Annual audit required. (8/28/2001) |
67.1979 | Removal of board members. (8/28/2005) |
67.2000 | Creation of an exhibition center and recreational facility district, petition, hearing, ballot form — board of trustees, powers — trust fund created — sales tax authorization, procedure — dissolution of district (Buchanan, Caldwell, Camden, Clinton, Cole, Daviess, DeKalb, Greene, Jefferson, Miller, Morgan, Newton, and Wright counties). (8/28/2010) |
COUNTY ORDINANCE VIOLATIONS (Cass and Greene Counties) | |||
67.2010 | Certain counties may have associate circuit judges decide county ordinance violations. (8/28/2012) |
67.2030 | Retail sales tax for tourism authorized, ballot language — collection and administration of the tax — repeal of sales tax, procedure (city of Weston, Platte County). (7/1/2003) |
67.2040 | Sales tax authorized — ballot language — revenue, use of moneys — repeal of tax, ballot language. (8/28/2007) |
67.2300 | Homelessness, use of state funds, when — state-owned lands not to be used for unauthorized sleeping, camping, or shelters — no state funding, when — rules. (1/1/2023) |
67.2500 | Establishment of a district, where — definitions. (8/28/2012) |
67.2505 | Purpose of district — name — size — subdistricts permitted — procedure for establishment of a district. (8/28/2007) |
67.2510 | Alternative procedure for establishment of a district. (8/28/2012) |
67.2515 | Petition, contents, notice — hearing — district declared organized, when. (8/28/2004) |
67.2520 | Election conducted, when — sales tax vote, amount — ballot form. (8/28/2004) |
67.2525 | Board of directors, qualifications — subdivision of district, how — powers and duties of the board. (8/28/2004) |
67.2530 | Refund of district indebtedness, when, how — imposition of a sales tax authorized — deposit and use of sales tax revenue — repeal of sales tax, ballot form. (8/28/2004) |
67.2535 | Monitoring of blasting operations permitted (St. Charles County). (8/28/2005) |
67.2540 | Definitions. (8/28/2005) |
67.2546 | Restrictions, prohibitions — violation, penalty. (8/28/2005) |
67.2552 | Prohibited acts, penalties — public policy interest to be protected. (8/28/2005) |
COUNTY EXPENDITURES (Jackson County) | |||
67.2555 | Competitive bids required, when (Jackson County). (8/28/2007) |
67.2675 | Citation of law. (8/28/2007) |
67.2677 | Definitions. (8/28/2024) |
67.2679 | Purpose statement — preemption of regulation of video services — state-issued video services authorization required, procedure. (8/28/2007) |
67.2680 | Satellite or streaming video services, no new tax, license, or fee. (8/28/2021) |
67.2681 | No separate franchise to be required by a franchise entity or political subdivision. (8/28/2007) |
67.2683 | Compliance with FCC requirements for emergency messages. (8/28/2007) |
67.2685 | Expiration of authorization, when. (8/28/2007) |
67.2687 | Notice of commencement of service, when. (8/28/2007) |
67.2689 | Fee authorized, amount — exception — adjustment of fee, when. (8/28/2021) |
67.2691 | Audits authorized — availability of records, expenses — cause of action for disputes, procedure. (8/28/2007) |
67.2692 | Customer service requirements — definitions — inquiries, process for handling — toll-free number to be maintained — filing of complaints. (8/28/2007) |
67.2693 | Report to be issued by the public service commission, contents. (8/28/2007) |
67.2694 | Confidentiality of subscriber information. (8/28/2007) |
67.2695 | Immunity of political subdivisions, when — indemnification, when — exceptions. (8/28/2007) |
67.2701 | Transferability of authorizations, procedure. (8/28/2007) |
67.2703 | Designation of noncommercial channels authorized, when — PEG channels, requirements. (8/28/2007) |
67.2705 | Discrimination prohibited — defense to alleged violation — annual report required — waiver permitted, when. (8/28/2007) |
67.2707 | Regulation of providers — political subdivisions prohibited from imposing certain regulations. (8/28/2007) |
67.2709 | National Electric Safety Code, compliance with required. (8/28/2007) |
67.2711 | Noncompliance, effect of. (8/28/2007) |
67.2714 | Effective date. (8/28/2007) |
67.2720 | Task force established — members, meetings, duties — report — expenses — expiration date. (8/28/2021) |
67.2725 | Notice required for public meeting on tax increases, eminent domain, creation of certain districts, and certain redevelopment plans. (8/28/2010) |
67.2800 | Citation of law — definitions — projects subject to municipal ordinances and regulations. (8/28/2021) |
67.2805 | Rulemaking authority. (8/28/2010) |
67.2810 | Clean energy development boards may be formed, members, powers of board — annual report — limitation on certain legal actions. (8/28/2021) |
67.2815 | Assessment contract or levy of special assessment, requirements — maximum assessment — assessment to be a lien, when — right of first refusal, when — applicability for PACE program projects. (8/28/2021) |
67.2816 | PACE program or district creation, joining, or withdrawal — notice to director — boards subject to examination for compliance, procedure — liability. (8/28/2021) |
67.2817 | Assessment contracts — approval criteria — insurance coverage required, when — notification by board prior to execution, when — website to be maintained. (8/28/2021) |
67.2818 | Federal law applicability — contracts not entered into, when — disclosure form, contents — board duties prior to execution of contract, verbal confirmation. (8/28/2021) |
67.2819 | Advertisement of availability of contracts, requirements — prohibited acts of board. (8/28/2021) |
67.2820 | Program authorized, requirements — application process — audit may be required. (8/28/2010) |
67.2825 | Alternative financing method. (8/28/2010) |
67.2830 | Issuance of bonds. (8/28/2010) |
67.2835 | Allocation of state's residual share of certain bond limitation. (8/28/2010) |
67.2840 | Effective dates. (8/28/2021) |
67.3000 | Definitions — contract submitted to department for certification — tax credit eligibility, procedure, requirements — rulemaking authority. (8/28/2018) |
67.3005 | Tax credit authorized, amount — application, approval — rulemaking authority — sunset date. (8/28/2018) |
DRINKING WATER SUPPLY LAKE AUTHORITY (Sullivan and Christian Counties) | |||
67.4500 | Definitions. (7/11/2011) |
67.4505 | Authority created, powers, purpose — income and property exempt from taxation — immunity from liability. (8/28/2012) |
67.4510 | Members, appointment. (7/11/2011) |
67.4515 | Initial meeting, when — officers, executive director — surety bond requirements — conflict of interest. (7/11/2011) |
67.4520 | Powers of authority — transfer of property to authority, when — zoning and planning powers. (7/11/2011) |
67.5000 | District authorized. (8/28/2012) |
67.5002 | Name of district. (8/28/2012) |
67.5004 | Responsibilities of district, powers and responsibilities supplemental to other systems. (8/28/2012) |
67.5006 | Powers of district. (8/28/2012) |
67.5008 | Ballot language. (8/28/2012) |
67.5010 | Majority vote required. (8/28/2012) |
67.5012 | Sale tax authorized in counties of district. (8/28/2012) |
67.5014 | Allocation of sales tax. (8/28/2012) |
67.5016 | Department of revenue to administer and collect tax — director's duties. (8/28/2018) |
67.5018 | Treasurer's duties — report required, when. (8/28/2012) |
67.5020 | Revenues from tax not to be allocated to special fund by municipalities. (8/28/2012) |
67.5022 | Board of directors, appointment, terms, removal. (8/28/2012) |
67.5024 | Organizational meeting — adoption of bylaws, rules, and regulations. (8/28/2012) |
67.5026 | Qualifications of board members. (8/28/2012) |
67.5028 | Alterations of public highways, streets, or roads through parks, trails, or greenways — agreements permitted. (8/28/2012) |
67.5030 | Eminent domain authority, district not authorized to exercise. (8/28/2012) |
67.5032 | Issuance of bonds, requirements. (8/28/2012) |
67.5034 | Negotiable refunding bonds permitted, limitations. (8/28/2012) |
67.5036 | Public function, board declared performing — exemption from taxation by this state. (8/28/2012) |
67.5038 | Purchases in excess of $10,000 by lowest and best bid standard. (8/28/2012) |
67.5050 | Definitions — use of construction manager-at-risk method, when — procedure — default, effect of — inapplicability — expiration date. (8/28/2016) |
67.5060 | Definitions — design-build contracts, requirements — phases I, II, and III — stipend permitted, when — wastewater or water contracts — bonding requirements — inapplicability — expiration date. (8/28/2016) |
67.5065 | Political subdivision definition. (8/28/2022) |
67.5070 | Wastewater or water treatment projects--disbursement of grants--use of loan fund moneys. (10/14/2016) |
67.5090 | Citation of law. (8/28/2014) |
67.5092 | Definitions. (8/28/2014) |
67.5094 | Prohibited acts by authority. (8/28/2014) |
67.5096 | Permitted acts of authority — applicants for new structures, requirements — authority's duties — court review, when. (8/28/2014) |
67.5098 | Modification of structures, applicant requirements — authority's duties — court review, when. (8/28/2014) |
67.5100 | Review for conformity with applicable building permit requirements — authority's duties — court review, when. (8/28/2014) |
67.5102 | Prohibited acts. (8/28/2014) |
67.5103 | Power of eminent domain prohibited, when. (8/28/2014) |
67.5104 | Pole attachment and pole defined — denial of permit on nondiscriminatory basis only — pole attachment fees, terms, and conditions to be nondiscriminatory — review, when — attachment during pendency of dispute — revocation, when. (8/28/2014) |
67.5110 | Citation of law, purpose. (1/1/2019) |
67.5111 | Definitions. (1/1/2019) |
67.5112 | Wireless providers use of right-of-ways to collocate small wireless facilities, requirements. (1/1/2019) |
67.5113 | No charge for collocation — permits, requirements — application not required, when. (1/1/2019) |
67.5114 | Authority wireless support structures, use for collocation — rates, fees, and terms. (1/1/2019) |
67.5115 | Authority poles, use of — make-ready work. (1/1/2019) |
67.5116 | Rates and fees. (1/1/2019) |
67.5117 | Limitation on services permitted. (1/1/2019) |
67.5118 | Authority may exercise certain authority, limitations. (1/1/2019) |
67.5119 | Ordinance or agreement required, when. (1/1/2019) |
67.5120 | Court jurisdiction. (1/1/2019) |
67.5121 | Indemnification, insurance, and bonding requirements permitted — exceptions. (1/1/2019) |
67.5122 | Expiration date, exception. (8/28/2024) |
67.5125 | Report to general assembly, when, contents. (8/28/2018) |
- Cross References | |
Adoptive parent who is county employee to be granted leave without pay, when, 105.271 | |
Age requirements for firefighters and law enforcement officers in compliance with federal law is not unlawful employment practice, 213.055 | |
Contracts for jobs or services, preference to Missouri firms and businesses, when, 34.073, 34.076 | |
Counties and cities not to adopt ordinances regulating rent in private or commercial property, exceptions, 441.043 | |
County employees' retirement system, 50.1000 to 50.1300 | |
Disabled parking spaces, political subdivisions authority to establish, 301.143 | |
Donated goods, no zoning law, ordinance or code shall prohibit a nonprofit organization from reselling in same area as other retailers, 407.489 | |
Earthquakes, floods, hazardous waste, tornados, public safety agencies may aid other public service agencies in state and border states, 70.837 | |
Financial interest statements, required filing, 105.483 | |
Firearms, components, ammunition, legislation preemption by general assembly, exceptions, 21.750 | |
Fraudulent documents, filing of, system to log required, 570.095 | |
Insurance purchases by political subdivisions competitive bidding required, 376.696 | |
Insurance renewed by political subdivision between bid periods deemed extended, 376.696 | |
Life insurance voluntary plan for state and political subdivision, 105.1000 to 105.1020 | |
Municipalities in St. Louis County, additional sales tax for capital improvement purposes, 94.890 | |
Neighborhood improvement district act, authorization, Const. Art. III, Sec. 38(c) | |
Outdoor advertising, cities and counties may restrict, 71.288 | |
Sale of bingo supplies exempt, 313.085 | |
Sewage, solid waste disposal loans, leases, authorized, 260.095 | |
Tax ceiling may be increased by governing body of political subdivisions when values assessed are reduced, 137.072 | |
Vending machines, sales of tangible property to owners or operators subject to sales tax, exceptions, 144.012 | |
Water facilities or resources recovery facilities loans, leases, authorized, 260.095 | |
Zoning of alcohol and drug abuse treatment facilities, certain local governments, 82.461 | |
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