☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 104

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1999    bottom

  104.1069.  Trust established, investment of funds. — 1.  All assets of the year 2000 plan shall be dedicated to and held in trust for the persons covered by the year 2000 plan and for the purposes herein set out and no other.  Each board shall have full power, in the name and on behalf of the year 2000 plan, to manage the assets of the year 2000 plan as described in sections 104.150 and 104.440.

  2.  The board shall invest the funds of the system as permitted by sections 105.687 to 105.690.  Trustees of a board may delegate to employees of the system, or to an agent, functions that a prudent trustee acting in a like capacity and familiar with those matters could properly delegate.

  3.  Each board may deliberate about, or make tentative or final decisions on, investments or other financial matters in executive session if disclosure of the deliberations or decisions would jeopardize the ability to implement a decision or to achieve investment objectives.  A record of each system that discloses deliberations about, or a tentative or final decision on, investments or other financial matters is not a public record under chapter 610 to the extent and so long as its disclosure would jeopardize the ability to implement a decision or to achieve investment objectives.


(L. 1999 S.B. 308 & 314)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1999 ----

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