☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 115

< > Effective - 07 Nov 2018, 2 histories, see footnote    bottom

  115.429.  Person not allowed to vote — complaint may be filed — voter may be required to sign affidavit, when — false affidavit a class one offense. — 1.  The election judges shall not permit any person to vote unless satisfied that such person is the person whose name appears on the precinct register.

  2.  The identity or qualifications of any person offering to vote may be challenged by any election authority personnel, any registered voter, or any duly authorized challenger at the polling place.  No person whose right to vote is challenged shall receive a ballot until his or her identity and qualifications have been established.

  3.  Any question of doubt concerning the identity or qualifications of a voter shall be decided by a majority of the judges from the major political parties.  If such election judges decide not to permit a person to vote because of doubt as to his or her identity or qualifications, the person may apply to the election authority as provided in section 115.193 or file a complaint with the elections division of the secretary of state's office under and pursuant to section 115.219.

  4.  If the election judges cannot reach a decision on the identity or qualifications of any person, the question shall be decided by the election authority.

  5.  The election judges or the election authority may require any person whose right to vote is challenged to execute an affidavit affirming his or her qualifications.  The election authority shall furnish to the election judges a sufficient number of blank affidavits of qualification, and the election judges shall enter any appropriate information or comments under the title "Remarks" which shall appear at the bottom of the affidavit.  All executed affidavits of qualification shall be returned to the election authority with the other election supplies.  Any person who makes a false affidavit of qualification shall be guilty of a class one election offense.


(L. 1977 H.B. 101 § 11.050, A.L. 2002 S.B. 675, A.L. 2018 S.B. 592 merged with S.B. 975 & 1024 Revision)

Effective 8-28-18 (S.B. 975 & 1024 Revision); 11-07-18 (S.B. 592)

---- end of effective  07 Nov 2018 ----

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