☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 137

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1945    bottom

  137.035.  What taxes to be assessed, levied, and collected in counties. — The following named taxes shall hereafter be assessed, levied and collected in the several counties in this state, and only in the manner, and not to exceed the rates prescribed by the constitution and laws of this state, viz:  The state tax and taxes necessary to pay the funded or bonded debt of the state, county, township, municipality, road district, or school district, the taxes for current expenditures for counties, townships, municipalities, road districts and school districts, including taxes which may be levied for library, hospitals, public health, recreation grounds and museum purposes, as authorized by law.


(RSMo 1939 § 11040, A.L. 1945 p. 1778)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 9867; 1919 § 12859; 1909 § 11416


Agricultural and mechanical societies, special tax may be levied, when, 262.500, 262.510

Drainage districts, authority to levy tax, when, Chap. 242 and 243

Fire protection district, board to have power to levy and collect taxes, 321.230 to 321.270, 321.290

Health center and hospital, county tax authorized to maintain, Chap. 205

Johnson grass control, levy of tax by county, township or special road district, 263.265

Levee districts, tax levies authorized, 245.175 to 245.195, 245.475 to 245.485

Library districts, tax levy authorized, 182.010, 182.020, 182.100

Road districts, disincorporated districts, taxes to pay principal and interest on bonds, 233.165

Road districts, taxes in road districts under contract system, how paid, 231.250

Sanitary districts, special drainage tax authorized, 248.120

School districts, Chap. 164

Soil conservation subdistrict, tax levy for improvements, 278.250

Street light maintenance district, board to have power to levy and collect taxes, 235.160 to 235.200, 235.230

Township board to file estimate of expenses with county, 65.380

Township hospital, tax authorized, 205.460, 205.550

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1945 ----

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