272.060. Division fences — rights of parties in, how determined. — 1. Whenever the owner of real estate desires to construct or repair a lawful fence, as defined by section 272.020, which divides his or her land from that of another, such owner shall give written notice of such intention to the adjoining landowner. The landowners shall meet and each shall construct or repair that portion of the division fence which is on the right of each owner as the owners face the fence line while standing at the center of their common property line on their own property. If the owners cannot agree as to the part each shall construct or keep in repair, either of them may apply to an associate circuit judge of the county who shall forthwith summon three disinterested householders of the township or county to appear on the premises, giving three days' notice to each of the parties of the time and place where such viewers shall meet, and such viewers shall, under oath, designate the portion to be constructed or kept in repair by each of the parties interested and notify them in writing of the same. Such viewers shall receive twenty-five dollars each per day for the time actually employed, which shall be taxed as court costs.
2. Existing agreements not consistent with the procedure prescribed by subsection 1 of this section shall be in writing, signed by the agreeing parties, and shall be recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds in the county or counties where the fence line is located. The agreement shall describe the land and the portion of partition fences between their lands which shall be erected and maintained by each party. The agreement shall bind the makers, their heirs and assigns.
(RSMo 1939 § 14574, A.L. 2001 H.B. 219 merged with S.B. 462)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 12911; 1919 § 5516; 1909 § 6459
---- end of effective 28 Aug 2001 ----
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