3.060. Powers of committee in preparing editions. — 1. The committee, in preparing editions of the statutes and supplements or pocket parts thereto, shall not alter the sense, meaning, or effect of any legislative act; but may renumber sections and parts of sections thereof, change the wording of headnotes, rearrange sections, change reference numbers or words to agree with renumbered chapters or sections, substitute the word "chapter" for "act" or "article" and the like, substitute figures for written words and vice versa and change capitalization for the purpose of uniformity and correct manifest clerical or typographical errors.
2. It may:
(1) Correct therein all words misspelled in enrollment;
(2) Correct all manifest clerical errors, including punctuation, but no correction shall constitute an alteration of or a departure from the enrollment;
(3) Transfer sections or divide or combine sections so as to give to distinct subject matters a section number but without changing the meaning;
(4) Substitute therein the name of any agency, officer or instrumentality of the state or of a county to which powers, duties and responsibilities have been transferred by law, for the name of any other agency, officer or instrumentality of the state or of a county previously vested with the same powers and charged with the same duties and responsibilities;
(5) Supply any obvious omission or inaccuracy, which shall be identified in the text. In any such case the committee shall add a footnote calling attention to such omission or correction and explaining the reason therefor; and
(6) Substitute therein the abbreviations: "RSMo" for "Missouri Revised Statutes", and "RSMo Supp." for any cumulative supplement to the Missouri Revised Statutes.
(L. 1949 p. 545 § 3.06, A.L. 1959 S.B. 88)
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1959 ----
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