47.280. County commission to supervise commissioner for removal of the county seat. — The county commission of each county in which a commissioner of county seat shall be appointed shall have a superintending control over such commissioner, and may make such orders, from time to time, in relation to the duties of his office, as to it shall seem expedient, and may enforce obedience thereto by attachment; and in case of any willful disobedience of such order or other willful neglect or misconduct of such commissioner, may remove him from office; and in case of the death, resignation or removal from office of any such commissioner, such county commission shall supply such vacancy by appointing another, who shall take the like oath, give like bond, perform the like duties and be subject to the like proceedings against him as his predecessor; and such county commission may compel the commissioner so resigning or removed, or in case of his death, his executor or administrator, to make settlement of his accounts, and pay and deliver over to such successor, or county treasurer, as the case may require, all moneys, books, papers, notes, bonds and other securities received by such commissioner, by virtue of his office.
(RSMo 1939 § 13690)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 12031; 1919 § 9433; 1909 § 3650
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1939 ----
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