☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 56

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2019, 3 histories    bottom

  56.765.  Funding — surcharge to be collected in criminal and infraction cases, exceptions — registration fees — funds created — audit — use of fund. — 1.  A surcharge of five dollars shall be assessed as costs in each court proceeding filed in any court in the state in all criminal cases including violations of any county ordinance or any violation of a criminal or traffic law of the state, including an infraction; except that no such surcharge shall be collected in any proceeding in any court when the proceeding or the defendant has been dismissed by the court or when costs are to be paid by the state, county or municipality.

  2.  One-half of all moneys collected under the provisions of subsection 1 of this section shall be payable to the state of Missouri and remitted to the director of revenue who shall deposit the amount collected pursuant to this section to the credit of the "Missouri Office of Prosecution Services Fund" which is hereby created in the state treasury.  The moneys credited to the Missouri office of prosecution services fund from each county shall be used only for the purposes set forth in sections 56.750, 56.755, and 56.760.  The state treasurer shall be the custodian of the fund, and shall make disbursements, as allowed by lawful appropriations.  All earnings resulting from the investment of money in the fund shall be credited to the Missouri office of prosecution services fund.  The Missouri office of prosecution services may collect a registration fee to pay for expenses included in sponsoring training conferences.  The revenues and expenditures of the Missouri office of prosecution services shall be subject to an annual audit to be performed by the Missouri state auditor.  The Missouri office of prosecution services shall also be subject to any other audit authorized and directed by the state auditor.

  3.  One-half of all moneys collected under the provisions of subsection 1 of this section shall be payable to the county treasurer of each county from which such funds were generated.  The county treasurer shall deposit all of such funds into the county treasury in a separate fund to be used solely for the purpose of additional training for circuit and prosecuting attorneys and their staffs.  If the funds collected and deposited by the county are not totally expended annually for the purposes set forth in this subsection, then the unexpended moneys shall remain in said fund and the balance shall be kept in said fund to accumulate from year to year, or at the request of the circuit or prosecuting attorney, with the approval of the county commission or the appropriate governing body of the county or the City of St. Louis, and may be used to pay for expert witness fees, travel expenses incurred by victim/witnesses in case preparation and trial, for expenses incurred for changes of venue, for expenses incurred for special prosecutors, and for other lawful expenses incurred by the circuit or prosecuting attorney in operation of that office.

  4.  There is hereby established in the state treasury the "Missouri Office of Prosecution Services Revolving Fund".  Any moneys received by or on behalf of the Missouri office of prosecution services from registration fees, federal and state grants or any other source established in section 56.760 in connection with the purposes set forth in sections 56.750, 56.755, and 56.760 shall be deposited into the fund.

  5.  The moneys in the Missouri office of prosecution services revolving fund shall be kept separate and apart from all other moneys in the state treasury.  The state treasurer shall administer the fund and shall disburse moneys from the fund to the Missouri office of prosecution services pursuant to appropriations for the purposes set forth in sections 56.750, 56.755 and 56.760.

  6.  Any unexpended balances remaining in the Missouri office of prosecution services fund and the Missouri office of prosecution services revolving fund at each biennium shall be exempt from the provisions of section 33.080 relating to the transfer of unexpended balances to general revenue.


(L. 1981 S.B. 32 § 4, A.L. 1996 S.B. 869, A.L. 1997 S.B. 248, A.L. 1999 S.B. 275, A.L. 2001 S.B. 267, A.L. 2019 H.B. 547)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 2019 ----

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