59.560. New abstract and index of deeds, when made — fee. — When the county commission of any county in this state shall consider it necessary to provide a new abstract and index of deeds for the recorder's office of such county, in conformity to the provisions of this chapter, such commission may, by an order duly entered of record, direct the same to be done by the recorder or some other competent person, and when any such abstract and index shall become so worn and defaced as to be illegible, such commission shall, by order as aforesaid, direct the recorder or some other competent person to copy the same in a suitable book; the person making the new abstract and index shall be entitled to a fee of eight cents for each instrument entered in both parts of such abstract and index, and the person copying such abstract and index shall be allowed a fee of ten cents for every hundred words and figures, all of said fees to be paid out of the county treasury.
(RSMo 1939 § 13182)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 11563; 1919 § 10586; 1909 § 10399
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1939 ----
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