61.270. Reports (second, third and fourth class counties). — The county highway engineer shall, at each regular term of the county commission, and at such other times as required by the commission, file a detailed statement of the condition of the roads, and the amount of money available for each district, with his recommendation as to what action should be taken by the commission for the repair or improvement of the roads. The county highway engineer shall report his full name and address to the office of the state highway engineer within ten days after qualifying. He shall make a yearly report during the month of January for the preceding year, upon blanks furnished him, to the state highway engineer of the available information in connection with the road, culvert and bridge work in his respective county. Upon a written request of the state highway engineer, the county highway engineer shall furnish him with a copy of the road map of his county, if there be such a map, for which he shall be reasonably compensated by the state transportation department.
(RSMo 1939 § 8664)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 8015; 1919 § 10791; 1909 § 10560
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1939 ----
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