☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 67

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2007    bottom

  67.304.  Charitable contributions, organizations may solicit in roadway, when, procedure. — 1.  The governing body of any municipality or county may authorize any organization to stand in a road in such municipality or county to solicit a charitable contribution.  Any organization seeking authorization under this section shall file a written application with the governing body no later than the eleventh day before the solicitation is to begin.  The application shall include:

  (1)  The date and time the solicitation is to occur;

  (2)  The location of the solicitation; and

  (3)  The number of solicitors to be involved at each location of the solicitation.

  2.  The governing body may require the applicant to obtain a permit or to pay a reasonable fee to receive the authorization.

  3.  The governing body may require proof of liability insurance in the amount determined by the municipality or county to cover damages that may arise from the solicitation.  The insurance shall provide coverage against claims against the applicant and claims against the governing body.

  4.  Collections shall only be conducted at intersections controlled by electronic signal lights or by four-way stop signs.

  5.  The governing body may set a minimum age requirement for all individuals participating in charitable solicitation activities under this section.


(L. 2007 S.B. 22)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 2007 ----

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