79.400. Powers — regulation of lumberyards, fences, animals and poultry — may establish pounds. — 1. The board of aldermen may prescribe limits within the city within which no lumberyard or woodyard shall be kept, and may regulate, restrain or prohibit the erection or maintenance of any fence composed in whole or in part of barbed wire, along or adjacent to any public street, avenue, alley, park, lane, cemetery or other public grounds.
2. The board of aldermen may also regulate or prohibit the running at large of cattle, hogs, horses, mules, sheep, goats and all other domestic animals, also geese, ducks, chickens, turkeys and all other domestic fowls and cause such animals or fowls as may be running at large to be impounded and sold in such manner and at such time as may be prescribed by ordinance.
3. They may also provide penalties for the owners or keepers who shall permit such animals or fowls to be at large.
4. The board of aldermen may also provide for the erection of all needful pounds, pens and buildings for the use of the city, within or without the city limits, and appoint and compensate keepers thereof and establish and enforce rules governing the same.
5. The board of aldermen may also tax, regulate and restrain and prohibit the running at large of dogs, and provide for their destruction when at large contrary to ordinance, and impose penalties on the owners or keepers thereof.
(RSMo 1939 § 7171)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 7021; 1919 § 8472; 1909 § 9374
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1939 ----
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