☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 82

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1945    bottom

  82.660.  Annual settlement of fees. — The collector of revenue shall make settlement annually on the first Monday in March and at the expiration of his term of office, with the comptroller of the city, for all fees so collected, deducted and retained by him, as aforesaid; and all fees herein so collected, deducted, and retained as aforesaid, shall be computed for the year or part of the year next preceding the dates of such settlement.  Said collector shall present for allowance proper vouchers for all disbursements made by him on account of all salaries, clerical hire and other expenses of his office, and other costs of collecting the revenue, which shall be allowed and credited to him as against the fees so collected, deducted and retained by him as aforesaid, and the residue of such fees in his hands after deducting said allowances and credits shall be paid into the treasuries of the state, city and school in proportion that the amount of revenue so collected for each bears to the total amount so collected for all, as such amounts shall be reflected in and by the said settlement made annually on the first Monday in March.


(L. 1945 p. 1311 § 7)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1945 ----

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