94.390. Powers, rights and remedies for collection of delinquent taxes — suits, how brought. — 1. Cities under special charters having a population not exceeding six thousand are invested with and given all the powers, rights and remedies in the matter of the collection of delinquent taxes by suit and the establishment and enforcement of liens on real estate in connection therewith as are provided by statutes for the collection of delinquent state and county taxes by suit and the establishment and enforcement of liens on real estate in connection therewith; and to that end the provisions of sections 141.010 to 141.200, insofar as they are applicable, are declared to be in force and to govern the proceedings in suits for delinquent taxes due such cities and in the establishment and enforcement of liens on real estate in connection therewith.
2. Suits for the collection of delinquent taxes due any such city may be brought in the name of the city at the relation and to the use of the collector of the city as plaintiff, against the person named in the tax bill sued on or any other person or corporation owning or claiming to own any interest in the real estate involved in the suit and against which it is sought to establish and enforce a lien for the amount of the delinquent taxes, interest penalties and costs, as defendants. The powers, rights and remedies given to the cities under this section are additional and cumulative powers, rights and remedies, and are not to be construed as interfering with, altering or in any manner affecting or diminishing any existing powers, rights and remedies which such cities possess under statutes, or ordinances of the cities.
(RSMo 1939 § 7477, A.L. 1957 p. 240)
Prior revision: 1929 § 7324
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1957 ----
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