95.530. Funds committee — membership — chairman — selection of depositary — duties of chairman — financial institutions, agencies and officials to report — bonds and securities — may invest funds, when, how (certain cities). — In all cities not within a county, the mayor, the comptroller and the treasurer shall constitute the funds committee, and the treasurer, by virtue of his office, shall serve as chairman of such committee. The committee shall annually select a bank or banks, or trust company or trust companies, or credit union or credit unions, savings and loan or savings and loans, which has its principal place of business in Missouri referred to hereafter as "listed institutions", for the current deposit of the city's funds, which in their opinion will be most commensurate with the safety thereof. The treasurer, as chairman, shall supervise the business of the committee and maintain records of committee proceedings, and shall call annual meetings or any other meeting as often as the business of the city may require. The treasurer shall be a member of any financial planning or decision-making body or committee furthering the needs of the city's financial business, except the legislative and appropriating bodies. The treasurer, by virtue of his office, shall sit on any committee or group which deals with the issuance of bonds of the city or any agency or instrumentality thereof. The treasurer shall serve as the chief investment and cash management officer of the city and, as such, act as the sole investment authority on any investments of public funds held by the city or any instrumentality thereof, including funds derived from proceeds from the issuance of bonds and funds from proceeds from lease/purchase agreements. Such investments shall be made in a manner consistent with investment policies approved by the funds commission, and with judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of capital and income to be derived. The treasurer shall ensure the safety of all funds held by the city or any instrumentalities thereof and, upon the approval of the funds commission and reasonable notice, may assume control of any accounts not managed in compliance with state law, serve as the custodian of any funds held in such accounts and take any other measures reasonably required to ensure the preservation of public funds and compliance with applicable law. The funds commission, also known as the "funds committee", shall approve all financial institutions for any banking services required by the city pursuant to investment policies and evaluation criteria set by the treasurer and approved by the funds commission. At least once per year, the treasurer and the city's external auditors shall report to the comptroller on the city's compliance with this section. Any state or municipally created agency, citywide elected officials or any instrumentality thereof working in cooperation with the city in the collection, management, investment or disbursement of governmental funds, shall annually report a listing of all listed institution's accounts, including a list of all pledged collateral, to the fund committee. Any financial institution acting as a depositary or custodian of public funds for any state or municipally created agency, citywide elected official or any instrumentality thereof working in the collection, management, investment or disbursement of governmental funds for a city located not within a county shall annually report to the funds committee. Such agencies, elected officials and instrumentalities shall, during the interim period, report any change or transfer or establishment of new accounts or changes in collateral to the fund committee within ten days of doing so. Financial institutions, when requested by the funds committee, shall verify such information. Before any deposit shall be made by the treasurer in any listed institution, the institution shall give a bond in an amount equal to the deposit, with good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the unanimous vote of the members of the funds committee, for the safekeeping and prompt payment of such funds, or any part thereof, when demanded by the treasurer, and shall at all times keep the sureties on such bond satisfactory to the funds committee. In lieu of such bond, listed institutions may, with the unanimous consent of the members of the funds committee, deposit with the treasurer of such city or with some other mutually satisfactory depositary collateral securities maintained and approved by the state treasurer, or bonds of the state of Missouri or of any city not within a county, authorized under section 30.270 and approved by the state treasurer with respect to deposit and management of state funds of a value equal to the amount of such deposit, or any part of such deposit not protected by federal deposit insurance. The securities so deposited shall, in case of default by any such listed institution, be taken possession of by the funds committee, and to the extent required to make good such default, be sold for the benefit of such city. Any securities so deposited may, with the unanimous consent of the members of the funds committee, be withdrawn, and others of equal value and amount substituted therefor. As the amount of such funds on deposit is reduced, listed institutions, when not in default, shall be permitted to withdraw the excess of collateral, except that there shall at no time be a less amount in par value of collateral than the amount at such time of deposits. The securities so deposited or any substitute therefor, shall, upon default, be exhausted before recourse shall be had against the securities upon any bond executed by listed institutions for the protection of such deposits. In lieu of or in addition to such deposit of city funds in listed institutions, the treasurer may invest funds belonging to such city and not immediately needed for the purpose to which such funds or any of them may be applicable, in accordance with Section 15, Article IV of the Missouri Constitution. In addition, the treasurer may enter into repurchase agreements maturing and becoming payable within ninety days secured by United States Treasury obligations or obligations of the United States government agencies or instrumentalities of any maturity as provided by law.
(RSMo 1939 § 7757, A.L. 1988 H.B. 1583, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1716, A.L. 1992 H.B. 1228, A.L. 1994 S.B. 567, A.L. 1999 S.B. 386, A.L. 2018 H.B. 1879 merged with S.B. 769)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 7609; 1919 § 9008; 1909 § 9858
---- end of effective 28 Aug 2018 ----
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95.530 | 8/28/2018 | |||
95.530 | 8/28/1999 | 8/28/2018 |
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