☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 59

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2012, 2 histories    bottom

  59.319.  User fee and an additional fee required to record — collection, deposit, distribution, use of — state treasurer, commissioner of administration, secretary of state, duties. — 1.  A user fee of four dollars shall be charged and collected by every recorder in this state, over and above any other fees required by law, as a condition precedent to the recording of any instrument.  The state portion of the fee shall be forwarded monthly by each recorder of deeds to the state director of revenue, and the fees so forwarded shall be deposited by the director in the state treasury.  Two dollars of such fee shall be retained by the recorder and deposited in a recorder's fund and not in county general revenue for record storage, microfilming, and preservation, including anything necessarily pertaining thereto.  The recorder's funds shall be kept in a special fund by the treasurer and shall be budgeted and expended at the direction of the recorder and shall not be used to substitute for or subsidize any allocation of general revenue for the operation of the recorder's office without the express consent of the recorder.  The recorder's fund may be audited by the appropriate auditing agency, and any unexpended balance shall be left in the fund to accumulate from year to year with interest.

  2.  An additional fee of three dollars shall be charged and collected by every recorder in this state, over and above any other fees required by law, as a condition precedent to the recording of any instruments specified in subdivisions (1) and (2) of section 59.330.  The fees collected from this additional three dollars per recorded instrument shall be forwarded monthly by each recorder of deeds to the state director of revenue, and the fees so forwarded shall be deposited by the director in the state treasury.

  3.  The state treasurer and the commissioner of administration shall establish an appropriate account within the state treasury and in accordance with the state's accounting methods.  Any receipt required by this section to be deposited in the state treasury shall be credited as follows:

  (1)  The amount of one dollar for each fee collected under subsection 1 of this section shall be paid to the state treasurer and credited to the "Missouri Land Survey Fund" which is hereby created to be utilized for the purposes of sections 60.510 to 60.620 and section 60.670.  The state treasurer shall be custodian of the fund and may approve disbursements from the fund in accordance with sections 30.170 and 30.180.  Any funds previously collected by the state treasurer to be utilized for the purposes of sections 60.510 to 60.620 and section 60.670 shall transfer to the Missouri land survey fund.  Any portion of the fund not immediately needed for the purposes authorized shall be invested by the state treasurer as provided by the constitution and laws of this state.  All income, interest, and moneys earned from such investments shall be deposited in the Missouri land survey fund.  Any unexpended balance in the fund at the end of the fiscal year is exempt from the provisions of section 33.080 relating to the transfer of unexpended balances to the general revenue fund;

  (2)  The amount of one dollar for each fee collected under subsection 1 of this section to an account to be utilized by the secretary of state for additional preservation of local records; and

  (3)  The amount of three dollars collected under subsection 2 of this section into the Missouri housing trust fund as designated in section 215.034.


(L. 1969 p. 123 § 17, A.L. 1985 H.B. 320, A.L. 1989 H.B. 786, A.L. 1994 H.B. 1745, A.L. 2012 H.B. 1251)


Recorder's funds may be used for matching funds requirements for grants for preservation of local records, 109.221

---- end of effective  28 Aug 2012 ----

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